What now?
Next Steps
This website provides our best effort to present current knowledge of the benefits and potential drawbacks of offshore wind energy development in the Northeast U.S. While scientists evaluate uncertainty associated with possible impacts of offshore wind, we do know with certainty that climate change brings enormous negative consequences to our planet, its oceans and its people. It is also important to remember that mitigation for known impacts is being applied as the turbines are erected and that detection and mitigation of potential post-construction impacts are being coordinated by consortia of marine scientists, engineers and fisheries experts. See for example, Wildlife and Offshore Wind to create a system for the comprehensive evaluation of potential effects on marine wildlife and The Commercial Fisheries Research Foundation to ensure sustainable fisheries throughout the coming years.
We hope this information helps you determine your next steps which could include
--be an engaged citizen at the local, state, and national level
--point people on social media to more reliable information sources
--Join up with local, regional and national groups advancing renewable energy solutions, as part of the needed effort to rapidly make the transition off of burning fossil fuels.
Have More Questions?
-- We would love to hear from you! Have a question? Email us at: realoffshorewind@gmail.com
--Keep up your search for good information, for example at these websites: Sea Grant Energy, NOAA Wind Energy, USEPA Wind Energy and the Fifth National Climate Assessment (2023). We also recommend Climate Central provides information on climate impacts and solutions from independent scientists and communicators.
To stay up-to-date on offshore wind development activities, including public comment periods, hearings, construction notices, and potential fishery compensation opportunities, we recommend referring to the resources on these websites and signing up for relevant email lists:
BOEM Atlantic Fishing Industry Communication and Engagement
Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council’s Offshore Wind in the Northeast webpage
We would love to hear from you! Have a question? Email us at: realoffshorewind@gmail.com
Photos by Chris Bennett Photography